Monday, March 12, 2012

FoKD Lends Support To Thanasayan


SEVERAL NATIONAL disability organisations have gathered at the State Secretariat building in Shah Alam - including environmentalist NGO, Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD) to express their support for Anthony Thanasayan to be reappointed as Councillor for the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ).

Here is FoKD's press release to this morning's event:  

In support of Anthony Thanasayan as MBPJ Councillor
By Jeffrey Phang, Chairman Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD).

In the 3 terms that Anthony Thanasayan have served as a councillor for MBPJ, the Friends of Kota Damansara have had the opportunity to work with him and have found him to be hard working and carries with him a passion to use his position to SERVE THE RAKYAT. 

As a disabled person himself his achievements are even more worthy of mention if you have the opportunity like I do to see the hardship and daily routine that he needs to go through just to get out of his house. 

Complains that is raised about his abuse of using the MBPJ van to go about his official duties is both unfair and unwarranted. In fact that is the least that MBPJ can do to help him discharge his duties. 

(Nobody have raised any complains about the able bodied MBPJ staff that travel in MBPJ vehicles to discharge their official duties).

·        Anthony have helped FoKD designed a forest walk way for the disabled and elderly
     Help implement the walkway for the disabled in our LA21 Community Herbal Garden (a joint project between MBPJ and the Kota Damansara community).

·        Helped FoKD to assist a corporate company to remove tripping hazards in their shopping mall which have affected many of our residents who patronize their outlet. Helped correct the design flaws in the OKU toilet and also relocated OKU parking bays making it usable for OKU visitors.
     The above effort have now resulted in a new KD shopping complex being thoroughly reviewed during its construction stage to ensure all OKU facilities are properly in place.

·        Anthony has helped FoKD address the plight of the OKU individuals of the poverty stricken community of the PPR flats. OKU that have been trapped in their homes are now able to join other residents to have breakfast in the food stalls below. Thanks to his effort in highlighting the problem to MBPJ who rectified all the access walkway to be OKU friendly.

Beyond MBPJ
·        Anthony contribution goes beyond serving MBPJ. He is also chairing the OKU technical committee of Selangor. The job entails setting up OKU technical committees in all Selangor local councils. Unlike other councilors he has an additional tasks of visiting other councils to replicate the OKU successes of MBPJ. Through his efforts MBPJ have won two awards for OKU efforts.

Beyond OKU
·        Anthony does not address only the physically disabled. His work encompass the mentally disabled, ordinary elderly folks, blind etc
     He is also an animal activists and his knowledge is well sought after by even the other councils. He put in animal welfare on MBPJ agenda by organizing the animal welfare day event.

Contributions to Selangor
Below are only some of the many reasons that Anthony should be retained as councilor.
     He represents the balance for MBPJ. While other councilors work on physical development issues, as an OKU he can see the needs of the OKU and elderly community and ensure that it is included. This avoids the problem of able-bodied councilors trying to imagine solutions for the needs of the disabled.
    He is an icon for the OKU community with his ability to not only work hard for their cause but his column in the star Is also inspiring the OKU community that they need not be just “takers” from society but they can be contributors to society.

·        The momentum he has built up for the last three terms are just about to bear fruit and cutting him off now will bring the whole OKU effort back to square 1.

·        He stands on principles and there are many issues that he has fearlessly fought for the good of the rakyat without backing off even after intimidations from the powerful.

·        There is not enough representation of the OKU community in Selangor councils.

·        His presence as a councilor is a constant reminder that the rakyat is not happy with just physical development but with the development of quality of life and a caring community. His contribution will ensure that holistic development is always adhered to.

Jeffrey Phang
Chairman, Friends of Kota Damansara

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