Monday, March 21, 2011

Kitten Killer Investigation Progress So Far

Animal abuser on video

THOSE OF US at the Petpositive Therapy Centre which is run by the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association here have been receiving calls, emails and SMSes from animal lovers lately. 

They have been writing in wanting to know the latest progress about the investigations that are currently being carried out by the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) of the self-confessed kitten killer from Serdang in Selangor.

DAP's Ean facing the wrath of animal lovers
The readers and callers say they have been contacting other animal shelters and rescue groups but have been unable to find out any information regarding what is happening with the kitten killer so far.

We have some good news for you! PET+BLOGSPOT has just obtained the following information from a very reliable source from the DVS:

  1. Interviews have all be completed with the relevant sources which include the shop owners, witnesses, the assemblyman and the accused. All statements have been recorded. 
  2. The video clip where the kitten was being abused has also been submitted to the Multimedia Security in Cyberjaya. This is to determine the authenticity of the video recording. This procedure is expected to take a month to complete. 
  3. A psychiatric report of the self-confessed kitten killer's state of mind has also been established.
  4. The DVS next course of action is to submit a report to the Deputy Public Prosecutor to establish a prima-facie case. (Note: A prima-facie case is a lawsuit that alleges facts adequate to prove the underlying conduct supporting the cause of action and thereby prevail.)
  5. The final step of the DVS is to prepare a prosecution report. 

PET+BLOGSPOT is the ONLINE BLOG of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association or Petpositive. Our stories are CURRENT, ACCURATE and RELIABLE. We offer both local and foreign news on animals, disability and the elderly. PET+BLOGSPOT was first established in October 2007. Our hits since then are now 100,000 and ever increasing! PET+BLOGSPOT is updated daily. Kindly note that views expressed in this PET+BLOGSPOT are not necessarily those of PETPOSITIVE. You may also visit our Webpage by browsing: You can also find us in Facebook under PETPOSITIVE EMPOWERMENT. Please sign up as a FOLLOWER of this Blog if you haven't done so already in order to show us your kind support for our work. Thank you!

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