Trigger happy council officer kills a licensed therapy dog
The mood is solemn especially among animal lovers.

“I think it’s really unnecessary for the killing. There’s no need to shoot dogs at all!” said Anthony Thanasayan, President of PetPositive, while contacted earlier on.
“Shooting like this is going to get the wrong dog and the wrong people. We’re talking about elderly or children being shot, if they so happened to be outside when the officers made their rounds. This behaviour is totally unforgivable and unacceptable.”
On Tuesday, Spunk, a faithful companion belonging to an elderly lady here in Ipoh was shot dead.
A watchdog for her since her husband passed away a few years ago, Spunk was said to have wandered off, leaving his owner who was cleaning up after him.
Moments later witnesses nearby heard a gunshot and saw Spunk lying motionless on the road. A trail of blood can be seen seeping underneath the animal.
But what is not immediately understood is that why Spunk was mercilessly killed even though the pooch’s license and tag can be seen hanging on its neck.
In the telephone interview, Anthony mentioned that this shouldn’t be happening.
“This shows that the Ipoh City Council has poor ability to deal with strays. It’s really embarrassing for them. They’re being totally ignorant right now, and they’re playing with people’s feelings. No doubt, people, especially the disabled and the children will be very upset.
Some of them rely on the services that these animals provide like being a constant companion and a watchdog,” he said.
While the general public has been crying foul over the incident, Anthony reminded that the people can take this matter into court, if they want to.
“They’re (Ipoh City Council) notorious for killing dogs. They should realise by now that the time has changed. Dogs especially play an important role in our lives, especially in crime fighting,” he said.
“I think what the City Council should really do now is to compensate the elderly woman. Not only did she lose her best friend, but a constant companion. The City Council must admit their mistake and apologise. They must show that they really mean it,” he added.
Meanwhile, Komunitikini contacted the Ipoh City Council earlier on for their comments, but the call was not attended to by the right person and was subsequently referred to Ahmad Zaiyadi, the Deputy President of the Ipoh City Council.
At the time of publishing, the numerous calls made by Komunitikini were not answered by Ahmad Zaiyadi.
Click HERE for earlier story.
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