Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Meet Sharul Nizam Abdul Rahim, An Upcoming Local Animal Activist With AAT

Sharul and me, friends for the animals' cause
MEET SHARUL NIZAM ABDUL RAHIM: Here's a picture of him and I taken in Menara MBPJ last week after our Canine Advisory Team meeting. This is the second time that this gentleman has attended our meetings.

He is a fiery animal activist who is president of the recently formed Animal Action Team or AAT society which is registered by the Registrar of Society.

I find him most refreshing as a Malay animal activist who effectively debunks misconceptions that some people have about certain animals such as dogs and pigs in particular. Sharul Nizam reminds everyone that they are equally created by God and have a specific and distinguished role in our world today.

Those who really need to be "terrified" of this man are those who are cruel to animals of which Sharul shows no mercy but will go all the way with the right and relevant authorities to take them to task.

Sharul has been a breath of fresh air in opinions and ideas in our CAT meetings and I look forward to

Welcome aboard Sharul. Needless to say, you will help keep out CAT team - and the local councils who attend our meeting - constantly on our toes when it comes to animal welfare and rights. Guys, this activist is definitely a very interesting character to watch if you love and care for animals.
Members of CAT captivated by Sharul's comments
interacting with this marvelous NGO more in future.
PET+BLOGSPOT is the ONLINE BLOG of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association or Petpositive. Our stories are CURRENT, ACCURATE and RELIABLE. We offer both local and foreign news on animals, disability and the elderly. PET+BLOGSPOT was first established in October 2007. Our hits since then are now 250,000 and ever increasing! PET+BLOGSPOT is updated daily. Kindly note that views expressed in PET+BLOGSPOT are not necessarily those of PETPOSITIVE. You may also visit our Webpage by browsing: www.petpositive.org You can also find us in Facebook under PETPOSITIVE EMPOWERMENT. Please sign up as a FOLLOWER of this Blog if you haven't done so already in order to show us your kind support for our work. Thank you!

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