A LOST DOBERMAN, believed to be about three years old, (left) is pining to be reunited with its owner.
The dog was discovered by the Petaling Jaya City Council's (MBPJ) dog-catching team after a resident living in Section 5/9F called in with a complaint.
The animal had been straying around his neighbourhood and kept entering his house compound whenever he opened the gate.
I was alerted by the dogcatchers on the scene.
I called up animal rescuer Doris Devadas who rushed to the scene to investigate the matter.
She found the dog to be friendly but very frightened of its surroundings.
She managed to meet up with another rescuer named John Thomas who had befriended the canine earlier with some food.
The Doberman was taken to his home last night.
This morning two visits to veterinary clinics were unfortunately unable to detect any microchip in the dog.
John told us that someone told him that the dog may have been with a pack of two other canines that could have run out of their house.
However, John was unable to find the dogs when he went to look for them today.
John is now waiting for the owners to claim their Doberman.
John can be contacted on Facebook by clicking on https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=655410609&ref=ts&fref=ts
For more information, call +6012 220 3146
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