Thursday, September 20, 2012

PJ Budget Should Reflect On The Needs Of The Marginalised


File pix: Roslan welcoming councillors

THE MAYOR of Petaling Jaya, Dato Roslan bin Sakiman, has called on councillors in the city (MBPJ) to come up with a suitable budget to look into the needs of the urban poor in the city. 

Speaking at a subcomittee meeting yesterday at the Petaling Jaya City Council Roslan zoomed in on who the target list are: residents with disabilities, the elderly, green projects and so on.

"As city planners who sit in the sustainable development and social committee we should not shy away from our tasks but rather take up the challenge to ensure that the marginalised in our community are also able to partake in the economic cake of PJ," said the mayor.

International Day of Disabled Persons 2011
"MBPJ's upcoming budget should truly reflect on the needs of the disadvantaged communities in our city," he concluded.

Two key budget discussions are scheduled to be held by the council in the beginning and end of next week.

"Yesterday's speech was one of the most inspiring that I had heard the mayor deliver in recent times. He helped us as councillors to be reminded as to what our priorities should truly be," said councillor Anthony Thanasayan who is also President of PETPOSITIVE.        

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