aNt's aNgle: Here is a letter that appeared in the Sunday Star recently. I totally agree with Clara that disability sport can teach a lot of things to the world. The recent Paralympics 2012 was a classic example of humanity at its best in the face of the real struggles we, as persons with disabilities have to face in life:
Sunday September 2, 2012
‘Superhuman’ athletes
I’M really happy that Anthony Thanasayan writes many articles about the disabled as these open our eyes to many things we take for granted.
I am currently based in London and followed the Olympics in July and last month. However, due to ignorance, I suppose, I was not keen on watching the Paralympics (Aug 29-Sept 9).
But now, with the exposure the media is giving it in London, I am really convinced that paralympians are indeed “superhumans”.
They are really inspiring and have made me, an able-bodied person, want to get up and start pushing my body to its limits.
The effort these people have put in, their pain and their feats are above and beyond anything I can imagine. They show us another side to their disability which, in some ways, is their strength.
I really hope Anthony will continue to write about them and their journey in his column (Wheel Power; Living, every Thursday).
The theme for the London Paralympics is “Inspiring A Generation” and I really do believe for the families, and especially children, of those involved, the games will give them hope and some sort of motivation.
As for the able-bodied, it should make us more aware of the athletes and their events.
PET+BLOGSPOT is the ONLINE BLOG of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association or Petpositive. Our stories are CURRENT, ACCURATE and RELIABLE. We offer both local and foreign news on animals, disability and the elderly. PET+BLOGSPOT was first established in October 2007. Our hits since then are now 150,000 and ever increasing! PET+BLOGSPOT is updated daily. Kindly note that views expressed in PET+BLOGSPOT are not necessarily those of PETPOSITIVE. You may also visit our Webpage by browsing: You can also find us in Facebook under PETPOSITIVE EMPOWERMENT. Please sign up as a FOLLOWER of this Blog if you haven't done so already in order to show us your kind support for our work. Thank you!
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