The day of our registration also marks the day in which animal-assisted therapy was officially introduced in Malaysia.
Quite frankly - and rather modestly at that, too - I must say that being still an infant organisation among many other giant NGOs in the country, looking back, I think we have managed to put up a rather impressive showing despite our very brief history.
We were just a small group of extremely energetic stubborn individuals who gathered at a wheelchair-friendly coffee shop excited about changing the world through the power of animals.
This was, of course, inspired and spawned by my two service dogs Vai my rottweiler and Biman II my Alsatian who had radically changed my life from a hopeless individual to a positive one.
And we, basically wish this for all disabled and elderly persons in Malaysia too.
As long as they are willing to open their hearts to our furry, feathered or finned friends, there is plenty of hope and room for positive living through disability and old age.
In the early days - and even before 2006 - we started with canines. And whilst they still remain our most effective and powerful tool to fight depression, the birth of Petpositive opened the doors to a variety of other animals.
Six months after we got registered we embarked on aquarium therapy for the first time with a profoundly disabled young woman.
The result was astounding. The young lady started to respond to her fishes - something her doctors had never dreamt possible.
With a new confidence we went all out to have our first and major charity dinner in 2007. That too turned out to be a thumping success with many well-known artistes such as dance doyen Ramli Ibrahim performing free-of-charge for us.
Shortly after that we engaged in our first major outdoor animal-assisted therapy at the Forest Research Institute in Malaysia with dogs, a cat, rabbits and even some wild frogs!
Our journey took us also to SPCA Selangor - twice - where the disabled turned volunteers for the day.
In 2008 we took a giant step forward to start the nation's very first animal-assisted therapy centre in Petaling Jaya.
We have had several hundred visitors to the centre including VIPs such as politicians and professionals.
Let us not also forget to mention our animal friends such as dogs and cats who have visited our Petpositive Therapy Centre (PTC).
In our centre animals are STRICTLY ALLOWED ACCESS. If humans are uncomfortable about them, they can choose not to enter!
We also provide aquarium therapy as well as counselling (through the telephone as well) and any other help that the disabled require in helping them live positive lives.
Despite having the PTC, our work is to still go out to the homes of the handicapped and the elderly.
One of the most rewarding occasions was when we managed to get two brand new wheelchairs for two of our elderly members.
One of them passed away a few weeks ago. However, we were happy that she, at least, spent the last few weeks of her life with the wonderful gift of mobility.
We thank God for the several sponsors who came along the way to help us furnish our centre with some essentials.
The latest major help is from the CIMB Foundation who will be donating a van to help us carry our work out more effectively.

Our present urgent need is to meet the cost of the monthly rentals which is RM1,500.00.
This is drinking up our reserves and we hope some kind individuals can come forward to help meet the cost.
We are also looking for a daytime worker-cum-driver to work at the PTC. We are also looking for a 24-hour caregiver to live and work in the centre.
Both of them must love animals and like to work with the disabled and the elderly. We are looking for a male of about 25-years of age.
Offering to sponsor for their salaries will also be a godsend help. Kindly note that Petpositive has tax deductible status.
There is just so much to say about what we do in Petpositive but impossible to write them all down in this blogpost.
If you want to know more about us, please keep in touch with this Blog which is updated daily.
You may also visit us at our Webpage which is managed by Petpositive's Special Coordinator Lynda Merican.
You may also follow us on Facebook by signing up with Petpositive Empowerment.
To mark our fourth year anniversary, PET+BLOGSPOT will be featuring some very moving animal pictures as the themes of our page.
We thank all our supporters who have made it all happen for the disabled, the elderly and the animals.

PET+BLOGSPOT is the official online blog of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive). Our contents are ACCURATE, RELIABLE and THE LATEST. We offer both local and foreign news on animals, disability and the elderly. PET+BLOGSPOT was first established in October 2007. Our hits since then is 40,000 hits and counting. PET+BLOGSPOT is updated daily. Kindly take note that views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of PETPOSITIVE. You may also visit our Webpage by browsing: www.petpositive.com.my
Congratulations on your fourth anniversary, may all your birthday wishes come true.
More than once my furry friends have saved my life, but they also make my life by filling it with daily affection, energy and laughter.
Bless you for giving the same gift to so many.
Congragulations on becoming 4 years old. A remarkable achievement within such a short period by you and your team.This must be the only therapy of this type in this part of the world.
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