'Mouse' and beauty queen condemn animal testing

Over a dozen animal rights activists assembled in front of the Indian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur today to protest against the planned animal testing lab in Alor Gajah, Malacca.
Organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) Asia, the protest started about 1pm after Peta's official rat mascot arrived in full gear by taxi, bringing along protest placards in English and Hindi.
Among those who took part in the protest were Miss Malaysia/World 2009/2010 Thanuja Aanandhan, who is also a Peta ambassador, and DAP senator Dr S Ramakrishnan.
The SPCA also went around collecting signatures in support of their joint petition against the facility.
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Organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) Asia, the protest started about 1pm after Peta's official rat mascot arrived in full gear by taxi, bringing along protest placards in English and Hindi.

Undeterred by the scorching sun, the protesters stood at the gates as they thrust the placards in the air, demanding that Indian company Vivo Bio Tech Ltd stops its plans to build the controversial testing facility.
'Vivo Bio Tech: Quit Malaysia!' and 'Keep cruel animal tests out of Malaysia!' read some of the placards. Protesters chanted “Quit, quit quit! Quit right now!” as police personnel monitored the situation.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangor chairperson Christine Chin and two other members of the group went into the diplomatic mission to submit a memorandum of protest to high commissioner Vijay K Gokhale.

This will be sent to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam once 10,000 signatures are in hand.
Animals for drug tests
This is the second protest held since plans for the animal testing facility were made public in April.
The first was organised in Petaling Jaya by a coalition comprising the SPCA, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments.
The proposed facility has sparked international outrage, particularly after Mohd Ali declared that it is man's “god given right” to use animals for drug tests.
Plans to build the facility in Malacca were put in motion after state-owned Melaka Biotech, Vanguard Creative Technologies Sdn Bhd and Vivo Bio Tech inked a memorandum of understanding on the facility following negotiations in India last January.
Upon completion, the facility is expected to conduct tests using imported beagles and white mice, and macaques sourced from local jungles.
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