ALL EYES WILL BE ON SELANGOR tomorrow when the new list of local councillors will be announced by the Selangor state government.
The newspapers have reported that out of the 288 councillors, as many as 66 will be new faces.
It has been strongly rumoured that a number of councillors from one local council will also be moved around to other areas.
The percentage of NGO councillors is expected to remain at 25.
There will apparently be no increase of disabled representatives to last year's number.
The conventional wisdom so far indicates that Petpositive's President Anthony SB Thanasayan is expected to be retained in Monday's list.
When contacted Anthony said that he hoped that he would be given a second chance to be a Councillor for Petaling Jaya (MBPJ).
"I'm saying this because of the continuity of the many milestone projects that I had initiated in MBPJ during the last 12 months," he explained.
These are the setting up of the 150 covered car parks and the disabled badges to gain entry into each of them, the implementation and monitoring of the special toilets for the elderly and the disabled to launching Petaling Jaya's very first spay and neuter clinic to be run by the SPCA.
"The immediate need, of course, is to check on the universal design of the Jalan Gasing pavement."
Anthony says that he visited the site late last night and had spotted several errors in some areas which he would bring up to the notice of MBPJ's Engineering Department.
Anthony also said that if he was returned, he would once again fight for dog licenses for the disabled and the elderly. That suggestion was unfortunately shot down by the Council this year when he brought it up.
The new list of councillors will be announced on Monday. It is not clear if the information will appear on the same day in the newspapers or the day after.
The results will be printed as soon as it is available in PET+BLOGSPOT.
PET+BLOGSPOT is the official online blog of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive).
Our blog which was first established in October 2007 currently has more than 25,000 hits. Please note that views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of Petpositive.
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