Warm Greetings from ILTC
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To Whom It May Concern;
Dear Sir/Madam,
(Together With A Blood Donation Campaign and FREE health screening to the public)
Independent Living and Training Centre is a charitable organization, which was formed BY the disable and FOR the disable to provide free services for their members who are living throughout the county. These services are carried out with the main objective to teach, guide and assist disable members to lead an independent live and face daily challenges with self confidence and esteem.
We provide the following services to the disable members and community;
* Counseling and Personal Motivation
* Disability Information and Advice
* Computer Training
* Self Development Programs
* Technical Assistance and Training
* Making of Handicrafts and Sewing
* Motivation
* Job Identification and Placements
Through these programs we have achieved numerous successes. Many disabled members have gained confidence and technical knowledge and so far thirty two (32) of them have been successfully employed
In addition to the above services we provide, we also emphasize in educating the immediate family members of the disabled, the manner to handle and care for a disabled person at home. These services are presently being provided free to more than one hundred and sixty (160) non-resident trainees whom we are assisting to lead an independent live. Besides those regular training programs, we also provide food and lodging to fifteen (15) resident-trainees.
The current economic downturn has affected the inflow of regular donations we receive from our well wishers. We therefore need to raise funds approximately RM 120,000 to maintain and continue the programs and training to the disabled community.
We have planned to organize a “Charity Bazaar – Food & Fun Fair 2009” & Charity Concert at evening (together with a blood donation campaign and FREE health screening to the public) event on Saturday, 4th July 2009 between 10.00am to 11.50pm at Padang Sekolah Kebangsaan Rawang in Jalan Kuala Garing, 48000 Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
At the school field, we are putting up forty (40) to fifty (50) stalls offering local food and drinks, books, ornaments, souvenirs, handicrafts, antiques and various products contributed by trading and marketing companies and manufacturers to raise fund in the Charity Bazaar. To make the event more exiting we are organizing games for adults and children, lucky draws, and entertainment.
We would appreciate if your esteemed organization could support us by making donation in cash or products that can be sold in the charity bazaar or offer prizes for the various games, entertainment and lucky draw.
Should you have any further enquiries or require more details please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Rina at 03-6091 2531, 03-6093 6292 or 012-695 6786. You may also visit our website at: http://www.iltcmalaysia.org.my/ and for details of our latest development/activities are at the blog: http://iltcmalaysia.blogspot.com/
The ILTC is a non-profit organization, and is entirely run on charity and is therefore always seeking funds and volunteers to help us to achieve our aims and objectives.
Your donation to the Independent Living & Training Centre is exempted from Income Tax under the Provision of Section 44(6) of the Income Tax Ordinance. Ref. No. LHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.5732
We hope that our appeal will meet your consideration and looking forward for a favorable reply from your esteemed organization.
Thanking you in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Rina
Secretary of ILTC &
Councilor for Selayang Municipal Council's (MPS)
“PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THE NEEDY’S”PET+BLOGSPOT is the online blog of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive) You may also visit our homepage which is www.petpositive.com.my
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