Wonder what's going on? Have the aliens landed?
Residents of Bible College in Jalan Gasing must have wondered what on earth was going on when the OKU Transit (special accessible van for the disabled by the Petaling Jaya City Council or MBPJ) landed on their soil last Thursday.
The reason? To check out how MBPJ's disabled-friendly pavement was progressing. This is going to be the first universally designed pavement that we know for disabled Malaysians in Malaysia.
The first modification was to set up the tactile flooring for the blind. We had to call a top official from the Malaysian Association of the Blind to check it out to see if it has been designed correctly.

Not fully satisfied, he asked for a mock drawing before further changes are made to the pavements to make sure that everything is perfect in the final finish.

PET+BLOGSPOT is the online blog of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive) You may also visit our homepage which is www.petpositive.com.my
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