Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hee - A Wasted Lost Voice For The Disabled

I HAVE BEEN ASKED by quite a few people what my opinion is about Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong's decision to quit the DAP and throw her support behind Barisan Nasional as an Independent.

In addition to the many accusations against her, people are also saying that as a disabled person, Hee was ungrateful to the DAP for having chosen a disabled person for such a top job in the state of Perak.

I share the same grief with hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who are shocked and utterly disappointed by Hee's actions. In fact, I never realised that Hee was a disabled person until she resigned and everyone started to talk about her disability.

This makes me wonder if Hee ever championed the issues of disability at all when she was with the DAP. Just because someone is disabled, it doesn't mean that he or she need necessarily be aware about disability issues or have a passion about it.

There are many disabled organisation run by disabled persons currently and they too hardly do anything about disability rights and issues. So I am not surprised, really.

However, it must be said that Hee certainly lost a golden opportunity that has rarely been given to disabled persons by the former administration.

On a larger platform, Hee has certainly betrayed her constituents. The noble thing for her to do now is to resign her post to allow a by election to take place.

My sympathies are certainly NOT with her.


1 comment:

stanley said...

One bad apple can spoil the other good apple in the basket it is any way better if this bad apple is thrown away As for other Disabled organisation it is a matter of time that JKM will move in and clean up this centre's