Saturday, January 03, 2009

Doubts about disabled act laws

Disabled community expresses doubt about law

KUALA LUMPUR: Various non-governmental organisations and activists remain sceptical that the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Act will have the desired results.

Independent Living and Training Centre president Francis Siva is one of those not convinced about the effectiveness of the act.

"There will be nothing to affect our lives.

"We will still be left out for the next 20 years," said Francis, a wheelchair user.

"You can take this act and chuck it in the dustbin. It does not penalise anyone who discriminates."

He cited the Uniform Building By-Law 34A which has been implemented decades ago, spelling the need for buildings to be disabled-friendly.

"Nothing much has changed since then. How different is this PWD Act?"

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said her ministry was aware of this and had taken to task various local councils, including a meeting held recently to brief them about the act.

"We have also worked with the Public Service Department to increase the recruitment of more disabled people."

However, Francis said the problems of the disabled may just be too large for her to handle alone.

"Even if the employers do not discriminate, PWDs still need disabled-friendly public transport to get to work. For that, you need disabled-friendly pavements."

I am lucky that I have only become disabled later in life, after obtaining an education.

"What about those who were disabled since they were born? They cannot leave the house at all and are deprived of a normal education."

Peter Tan, a wheelchair user who has a disabled empowerment blog, "Digital Awakening", struck a more optimistic line.

"To be fair to those involved in the act and the council which were only implemented, it is still too early to say whether the act is useful or not. But as long as there is no penalty, people just won't be bothered with it."


stanley said...

don't worry you will get answers after the dialog at the Bar council no let ups the Minister have to answer and be cannot be exqused from this dialog at all cost no JKM officer cannot replace the Minister

chewie said...

Hi. Read your article today. This is great article. We have been looking forward for this a long time.