This landmark treaty which was adopted two years ago was made available for signatures in March of last year. With Ecuador being the 20th nation to ratify the significant agreement last month, the CRPD took effect on May 3.
We are especially thrilled that our nation, Malaysia, has also signed the document in New York last month. By doing so, our government has taken the first all-important step to keep its promise and determination to improve the quality of lives of all Malaysians with disabilities.
However, there are two more significant steps for Malaysia to take with utmost urgency. We have to ratify and then implement the CRPD treaty, seeing to it carefully that the ‘Optional Protocol’ section is accepted without conditions or changes.
The Optional Protocol provides disabled people with a means of redress for individuals or groups who feel that their government has violated the convention and where national remedies have been exhausted.
It is only after this that our disabled citizens can truly, fully and finally enjoy the rights and dignity that our society has long denied them.
The CRPD will finally provide 650 million handicapped people around the globe and in Malaysia what they have been asking all their lives - a chance to go to school, find jobs, get married, raise a family and retire peacefully like everyone else.
PetPositive urges all political parties in both the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat to do everything in their power to make this a reality for disabled Malaysians who have been left out of our mainstream society for far too long.
Here and now is the chance for us all to prove to the world and our society that we really care for our disabled citizens!
The writer is president, the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (PetPositive).
Also in yesterday's The Star:Thursday May 15, 2008
Treaty a step forward for the disabled
THE Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive) joins hands with all disabled Malaysians and organisations committed to their cause in and outside the country to welcome the coming into force of the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
The landmark treaty that was adopted two years ago was made available for signatures in March of last year. With Ecuador being the 20th nation to ratify the significant agreement last month, the CRPD took effect on May 3.
We are especially thrilled that Malaysia, also signed the document in New York last month.
By doing so, our Government has taken the first all-important step to keep up with its promise and determination to improve the quality of life of all Malaysians with disabilities.
However, there are two more significant steps for Malaysia to take with utmost urgency.
We have to ratify; and then implement the CRPD treaty, carefully seeing to it that the “Optional Protocol” section is accepted without conditions or changes.
The Optional Protocol provides disabled people a means of redress for individuals or groups who feel that their government has violated the convention and where national remedies have been exhausted.
It is only after this that our disabled citizens can truly, fully and finally enjoy the rights and dignity that our society has long denied them.
The CRPD will finally provide the 650 million handicapped people around the globe and in Malaysia what they have been asking all their lives: a chance to go to school, find jobs, get married, raise a family and retire peacefully like everyone else.
Petpositive urges all political parties in both the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat to do everything in their power to make this a reality for disabled Malaysians who have been left out of our mainstream society for far too long.
Here and now is the chance for us all to prove to the world and our society that we really care for our disabled citizens!
The Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association.
Also in yesterday's The New Straits Times:
Helping the Disabled: Treat Pact As An Urgent Issue
The treaty will enable the disabled to enjoy the rights society has long denied them. |
THE Malaysian Animal-assisted Therapy For The Disabled And Elderly Association (Petpositive) joins hands with all disabled Malaysians and organisations committed to their cause to welcome the coming into force of the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
We are especially thrilled that our nation, Malaysia, also signed the document in New York last month. Our Government has taken the first all-important step to keep its promise to improve the quality of life of all Malaysians with disabilities.
However, there are two more significant steps for Malaysia to take with utmost urgency: we have to ratify, and then implement the CRPD treaty, seeing to it that the Optional Protocol section is accepted without conditions or changes.
The Optional Protocol provides disabled people a means of redress for individuals or groups who feel that their government has violated the convention and where national remedies have been exhausted.
The CRPD will finally provide the 650 million handicapped people around the globe and in Malaysia what they have been asking all their lives: a chance to go to school, find jobs, get married, raise a family and retire peacefully like everyone else.
Petpositive urges all political parties to work to ensure this a reality for disabled Malaysians. Here and now is the chance for us all to prove to the world and our society that we really care for our disabled citizens.
In yesterday's Malay Mail:
Dear Editor, THE Malaysian Animalassisted Therapy For The Disabled and Elderly Association (PETPOSITIVE) joins hands with all disabled Malaysians and organisations committed to their cause to welcome the coming into force of the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). |
We are especially thrilled that our nation, Malaysia, also signed the document in New York last month.
By doing so, our Government has taken the fi rst all-important step to keep up with its promise and determination to improve the quality of lives of all Malaysians with disabilities.
However, there are two more signifi cant steps for Malaysia to take with utmost urgency.
We have to ratify; and then implement the CRPD treaty, seeing to it carefully that the ‘Optional Protocol’ section is accepted without conditions or changes.
The Optional Protocol provides disabled people a means of redress for individuals or groups who feel that their government has violated the convention and where national remedies have been exhausted.
It is only after this that our disabled citizens can truly, fully and fi nally enjoy the rights and dignity that our society has long denied them.
The CRPD will fi nally provide the 650 million handicapped people around the globe and in Malaysia what they have been asking all their lives: a chance to go to school, fi nd jobs, get married, raise a family and retire like everyone else.
PETPOSITIVE urges all political parties in both the Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat to do everything in their powers to make this a reality for disabled Malaysians who have been left out of our mainstream society for far too long.
Here and now is the chance for us all to prove to the world and our society that we really care for our disabled citizens! Anthony Siva Balan Thanasayan PETPOSITIVE president, Kuala Lumpur
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