Disappointed with Malaysian Paralympic Council - During Closing Ceremony
Now Is The Time To Bring Changes............
Comment From President of ILTC.
[Tetraplegic Francis Siva, right, with his companion/assistance helper Dusty, the Golden Retriever.]
A group of 10 ILTC members were invited to the closing ceremony of the Paralimpiad Malaysia XIV Kuala Lumpur which was held from May 3 to May 9, 2008 at the Bukit Jalil stadium.
On behalf of ILTC, we very much disappointed with organizing committee due to their poor hospitality such as not having enough of volunteers in the stadium. Also the lift was out of order and etc, making it very inconvenient to the disabled.
As President of ILTC, I would like to give my comment on that day.
My disabled friends and I had to push our wheelchairs one corner to another corner of the stadium. We were looking for volunteers to help us but we could not find anyone.
In the stadium the entrance road towards the hall was too dangerous for the disabled. Sad to say that, the organizing committee did not take proper care with the accessibility.
The Malaysian Paralympic Council did not understand the basic needs of the disabled.
I had observed personally on the day that most disabled athletes could not speak for themselves.
I hope that, the president for the Malaysian Paralympic Council , Datuk Zainal Abu Zarin must be very careful in organizing such a event in future.
ILTC hopes that the council should appoint disabled persons to sit in their executive council.
The disabled persons may have new ideas which could be of help to the council to ensure that they are comprehensive in all aspects of accessibility and people-friendly features.
Francis Siva
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