So Reba, my amazing sheltie and Paul the octopus got it right.
Spain emerged winner as expected at last over extra time play in this morning's FIFA 2010 finals, finishing the Netherlands off with a 1-0 score in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Whilst the Dutch still remain in denial (pix left), BBC World Service radio from London described Spain as the truly deserving victors of the World Cup season.
Even though it was a delightful game, no doubt, I still cheated a bit when I switched channels to watch the X-Men during some boring parts of the game.
As the dust settles in South Africa, be sure to read Wheel Power in The Star this Thursday where I'll be sharing with your two interesting stories about how the disabled enjoyed the FIFA season.
On another note, speculation is rife that the swearing-in ceremony of MBPJ councillors will take place this week.
Everyone is guessing that it could happen anytime from Wednesday onwards. It could easily even take place during the weekends.
If it does take place on a Saturday or a Sunday, I am told that it would be a first for the local council.
Fingers crossed, everybody!
Lastly, here is Petpositive's statement on the formation of the new animal welfare group myZoo which is printed in today's The Star's Letter's page:
Monday July 12, 2010
Thumbs-up for animal welfare coalition
PETPOSITIVE is thrilled with the formation of an animal welfare coalition on July 6.Called myZoo, it aims to tackle issues faced by animals in zoological gardens around the country.
Zoos have played an integral and indispensable role in educating people about wildlife around the globe. By bringing us close to wild and exotic animals, they have provided us a wealth of information about them.
Through our close encounters with these animals, we have learnt the importance of the need to respect, protect and most important of all, keep their species from becoming extinct.
Some zoological gardens like the San Diego Zoo in the United States have played a pivotal role in saving animals such as the Californian condors from becoming extinct.
Zoos in Malaysia, however, have come under scathing attacks by animal advocates, as well as the public for their mistreatment of some of the animals under their care.
There have been cases of some outfits being more concerned about the financial entertainment value of animals under their care than the rights of such animals to health, freedom and proper care.
Therefore, it is most timely that myZoo has been set up. Petpositive hopes that myZoo will quickly become a powerful watchdog group, amongst others, to keep all the zoological gardens in Malaysia in check for possible animal abuse and neglect.
We also hope that zoos across the country, on their part, will cooperate fully with myZoo by working with them to improve the quality of lives of all animals kept in our zoos.
Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive), Kuala Lumpur.
PET+BLOGSPOT is the official online blog of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive). Our contents are ACCURATE, RELIABLE and THE LATEST. We offer both local and foreign news on animals, disability and the elderly. PET+BLOGSPOT was first established in October 2007. Our hits since then is 45,000 hits and counting. PET+BLOGSPOT is updated daily. Kindly take note that views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of PETPOSITIVE. You may also visit our Webpage by browsing: www.petpositive.com.my
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